Tradeline Recruitment Charity Golf Days!
Over the course of the summer we have been delighted to be invited on a number of golf days with a number of our valued clients. Not only have they been excellent and enjoyable events but it has been hugely rewarding to contribute in raising money for so many truly worthy causes.
We kicked off with the Datum RPO Golf Day in May at the wonderful Forest of Arden – raising money for two cancer dedicated charities, Linc (The Leukaemia & Intensive Chemotherapy Fund) and Maggie’s (cancer support). In June our internal company golf day saw golfers of all abilities take part with plenty of fun along the way. Jack Cordell took the individual honours with Steve Eade somehow hitting the longest drive (the only attempt on the fairway) and Jack Speckman winning the Nearest the Pin contest. Special mention must go to Archie for managing to produce the most unbelievably burnt legs!!!
The summer saw further events with teams entered into the Bellway golf day at Collingtree Park in Northampton raising money for Cancer Research, the Redrow Homes golf day at Whittlebury Hall raising money for the Northampton Hope Centre and the final event saw a dinner and auction hosted by Gray & Sons with all funds raised on the day going towards "Gray to Sunny Day" a charity close to the hearts of all at Gray & Sons, supporting families affected by cancer.
It was an honour to be involved in all of these events and as well as the enjoyment of the golf, it is great to have been able to make our contribution to all of these charities.