DO’S AND DONT’S - Getting the most from Tradeline - We want you to work for our clients for as long as possible and to maximise your earning potential on every job. So, we've put together this guide to making the most of your relationship with your consultant at Tradeline Recruitment.
1. Keep talking
Remember to keep in touch with us and let us know what's going on at every stage of a job. If you know that you're due to be finishing a placement, let us know as soon as possible. That way we can start looking for your next job in advance.
2. Let us know
Before you're due to be on site, if you cannot make it, or are going to be late, into work for any reason. That way we can let our client contact on site know. This helps to keep the relationship between us and our client pleasant which, in turn, could mean more regular work for you.
3. Keep your eye out
For any projects you feel you might be suited to. We have a business relationship with most construction companies operating within the Midlands and South East of England. There is a good chance that we may be able to arrange a placement for you.
4. Make sure
That a placement is right for you before accepting it. We gain nothing from placing you into a job which is not right for you. Ensure that you are able to get to the the job on time and that you have the correct tools, if applicable. If you accept a placement which is wrong for you, you risk damaging not only your relationship with your Tradeline consultant, but also our relationship with the client. This can have a knock-on effect on future placements.
5. Your timesheet
Your timesheet is your responsibility. We cannot pay you correctly (or at all!) without a valid, correctly completed, timesheet. We can accept timesheets sent by fax, post, email, picture message or whatsapp. The timesheet deadline is 1.00pm every Tuesday. If you have a problem getting your timesheet in to us then please let your consultant know.